Impacts and Examples of Permissive Parenting Style

Are you aware of indulgent parenting? You might be extremely affectionate towards your child and find it difficult to say ‘no ‘to her demands. If you allow your child to sleep late at night, watch TV or phone as long as she wishes or to eat junk food unbound then you are a permissive parent. Permissive parenting might be a result of over affection or laid back parenting or negligence. Lazy parents might take up this method of parenting where they grant excessive freedom to the child to do whatever she pleases to do. The following blog would dive deeper into the signs of indulgent parenting and its impact on the child. Characteristics of Indulgent Parenting It is important to identify the traits of permissive parenting in order to regulate your own approach towards parenting. Permissive parenting implies hands-off parenting where parents completely withdraw their hold on children's life. They lack proper structure of discipline. This has serious implications on ch...