5 Guidance Tips to Help Your Child to Overcome Fear

Child to Overcome Fear

In our childhood we develop many imaginary and real life fears. Even after not coming across any ghost-like figure ever we were still doubtful. For years we have feared the dark bedroom, we have searched for ghosts in the closets. On the other hand, we had real life fears like trying out new things like swimming, performing on stage, exam fear and many more. 

Even though not all fears are legitimate, these fears are bothering your kids for real nonetheless. Some might hamper their ability to try out new things or to face challenging situations. In such a situation the role of parents is critical to help children out of their irrational or rational fears. The following blog aims to provide valuable strategies for parents to help their children to confront their fears with confidence. 

Strategies to Help Children to Brave their Fears with Confidence

Parental attention is instrumental in helping children to face all the fears and to develop a rational bend of mind. Here are five key strategies of parental guidance to enable kids to overcome their fear.

1. Avoid Neglecting Children’s Feelings

It is quite common for parents to feel tired after a busy day at work to pay heed to seemingly trivial feelings of their kids, to discuss negative fictional characters like zombies and vampires. However, even though the fear is irrational the feeling is real and parents should acknowledge the feeling of fear. Kids come across all the fictive characters in fictional stories and TV cartoons or children shows based on which their fear develops. It is important for parents to reassure their children the distinction of fiction and reality in a way appropriate for their age. An empathetic and encouraging reassurance from parents is beneficial to boost children’s confidence and instill fearlessness. 2. Encourage Constructive Problem Solving After acknowledging your kids’ fear it times to resolve the issue with them. Asking them to open about their fear makes them feel important and validated. It provides them the assurance that their parents are there to protect and help them to navigate all their anxieties and fears and to take up challenges more confidently. On the other hand, discussing things out with kids also helps them to ponder and decide over their own course of action towards anxiety management. Additionally, not all fear is irrational. For instance, harsh treatment from teachers might discourage a kid from visiting school the next day. In such a situation a parent might explain to the kid to study hard and follow all the rules properly in order to not give a chance to the teacher to insult the kid ever again. This provides a sense of agency to the kid as he or she has the power to control the situation. 3. Spend Quality-Time Spending quality parents-child time is imperative for children’s mental and physical wellbeing. It is often not possible for parents to make out daily time to spend with kids; however, it is important to spend at least 10-15 minutes of quality time with kids daily. This might include reading stories together, playing games, or watching meaningful television or online content. On one hand it allows children to learn faster and to clear all their queries from parents. On the other hand, the kids feel protected and secure helping them to overcome bedtime irrational fear. Additionally, daily sharing of thoughts and experiences with parents help children to make better sense of all their fears and anxiety and where it is stemming from so as to rationalize their ideas of fear. 4. Explain the Difference between Real and Amplified Fear Fear is a necessary response towards danger however; kids perceive everything from the point of their fantasy. It is not possible for them to rationalize all the deluge of information they come across. For instance, they tend to believe that all the monsters and aliens do exist in reality. Oftentimes kids try to exaggerate fear to draw attention from their parents. Alternatively, if your kid has faced any traumatic incidents either and is not able to overcome anxiety or fear then it is advisable to seek professional help to provide counseling. 5. Rewarding Small Successes Your kids might be afraid of solving Math problems, writing essays or singing on stage. The thought of a math exam might give them a sleepless night or cold hands and feet. Along with providing able guidance to learn Math tricks it is also imperative to encourage their small progress. This provides them the confidence to ask questions and approach their queries to you. This consistent positive assistance from parents gives them the confidence to attempt the tough things with confidence. There are various books on effective teaching strategies and techniques that you must consult in order to use the best tactics to help you kids with studies. Endnotes

Providing a secure and safe environment at home is the key to help kids fight their fear and anxieties. Addressing the fear with compassion and empathy provides assurance of a safe home to the kids and they feel confident to face all the challenges of the outside world fearlessly.


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